Build Parenting Sensitivity: One Important Step in Advancing the Country’s Economy

Sekolah Non Formal FEB UI
5 min readFeb 14, 2023


Illustration: SNF FEB UI

“Parenting is a life time job and does not stop when a child grows up.” –Jake Slope

In building a family, the father and mother figures have a role in educating their children with love. Taking on the role as parent will also never end until one day old, the figure of a parent will still have a role in providing various lessons for the child. The various lessons and education that parents give to their children will be very influential for their growth and development [1]. The education of parents do have goals to ensure children’s health and safety, preparing children for life as productive adults, and transmitting cultural values. The development of the current era makes us all aware that educating children also has knowledge, the science of parenting.

According to Jerome Kagan (in Berns, 1997), a developmental psychologist, who defines parenting as a series of decisions regarding the socialization of children, which includes what must be done by parents so that children are able to be responsible and contribute as members of society [2]. This means that parenting is about how parents should be able to educate their children by explaining to them the high responsibility for everything they do.

Traditional Indonesian culture, on the other hand, places a significant focus on obedience, respect for authority, and intellectual performance. As a result, authoritarian parenting approaches based on stringent rules, high expectations, and discipline are prevalent throughout the country. Different from the previous era where parents in Indonesia generally only educated their children based on the culture that was learned from generation to generation, many millennial parents are now concerned about educating children based on parenting knowledge that is necessary and important to learn. Lots of media can be a place of learning for parents to understand parenting, such as through books, social media, and even special institutions that teach parents about parenting. The things learned are useful for parents to know in educating children according to their age, character and development. This trend has been marked by a greater emphasis on loving and supporting relationships, open communication, and child-centered parenting practices.

The importance of studying parenting is not only about being able to educate children to grow with good character, but this also has an influence on the growth and development of a country’s economy. Parenting and country economic growth are inextricably intertwined and have a substantial influence on one another. The quality of parenting experienced by children has a significant influence on their future potential, including their future economic success, and the degree of economic development of a country can have an impact on the quality of parenting practices.

One illustrated example of how parenting has a correlation with the economic development of a country is in the following East Asian countries. Increased prosperity and economic growth in several East Asian nations, such as Japan and South Korea, have been linked to a trend toward more liberal and individualistic parenting methods. For example, parents are increasingly emphasizing their children’s happiness and personal fulfillment, as well as offering more possibilities for individual expression and creativity.

However, the link between parenting styles and income is more complicated in other nations, like China. Despite tremendous economic expansion, old collectivist and authoritarian parenting traditions persist in China. This might be attributed to a cultural focus on obedience, authority, and academic accomplishment, as well as the impact of Confucianism and other cultural influences.

Children reared in loving and supportive surroundings are more likely to have strong problem-solving abilities, solid communication skills, and the capacity to collaborate with others. These abilities are useful in the workplace and can lead to improved employment opportunities and higher pay. Furthermore, children who acquire a strong education are more likely to have better economic mobility, which can contribute to their country’ growth and development.

Countries with high levels of economic development, on the other hand, frequently have the means and infrastructure to support families and encourage effective parenting practices. Wealthy countries, for example, may have access to stronger educational and health-care systems, which may help children and families. They may also have a more stable political and economic climate, which can lower family stress and insecurity, promoting better parenting habits.

The country that has the role of parents in educating them very well and is also one of the most advanced countries in the economy is Denmark. This country which is located in Europe with a population of 5.8 million in 2020 can be an example of how parents can learn about parenting [3]. The culture carried out by Denmark people in educating their children is Danish Parenting. Danish parenting is based on establishing a healthy relationship between parents and children. In this bond, the parents show the child that they care for them, and teach them to become better versions of themselves. Six essential principles of Danish parenting from the book “The Danish Way of Parenting” by Jessica Joelle Alexander and Iben Sandahl are PARENT (Play, Authenticity, Reframing, Empathy, No Ultimatums, Togetherness) [4].

Finally, the relationship between parenting and country economic growth is nuanced and diverse. Good parenting practices are crucial in promoting children’s well-being and potential, which may help a country’s economic growth by generating a well-educated and talented workforce. At the same time, a country’s degree of economic growth can have an influence on family well-being and the quality of parenting practices. It is critical to meet the needs of families and to enhance the well-being and potential of children via excellent parenting practices in order to boost the economic growth of countries. This may involve ensuring access to high-quality educational and health-care resources, supporting cultural values and practices that support families and children, and combating poverty and economic instability. Countries can provide the environment for families to provide the greatest possible parenting practices for their children and for children to attain their full potential by addressing these challenges.

By: Satria Andrean Saputra (IE’22)

Staff of Journalistic Bureau SNF FEB UI

SNF FEB UI 2022–2023


[1]Admin. (2021).

[2] Writer. (2023). BAB II.

[3] TIMESOFINDIA.COM. (2022, December 10). How To Raise Kids Like They Do In Denmark, One Of The Happiest Countries On Earth. The Times of India.

[4] Statistic Denmark. (n.d.). Denmark | Populasi | 1900–2023 | Indikator Ekonomi | CEIC. Retrieved February 4, 2023, from

